Reality Skimming

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hearing from Patsy

"There are so many lovely pathways in your novels a person could ramble down."

Patsy Crawford (from an e-mail Jun 26, whilst considering possible plots for an ORU anthology story).

Patsy was writing to ask about naming conventions for Lorel, Demish and Vrellish characters. My response is below:

A Lorel is more likely to have an ordinary Earthly name for example. (Dara and Karin are fine there.) The Demish tend to use terms like D'something (Blue Demish and
Golden Demish) or H'something (Silver Demish) but those are titles meaning "of somewhere" that get built into names. Vrellish names tend to have a lot of V's and S's in them. But Raine works for me.

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